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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 37 years, born on 24 March 1987

Not looking for a job

Nakhodka, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

Project Quality Manager

  • Project manager
  • Construction project manager

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 14 years 5 months

April 2022currently
3 years


Chemical Production, Fertilizers... Show more

Site Quality Manager
QA/QC management on the construction site Quality instruments developing and integration through working process Construction supervision managenent
July 2019March 2022
2 years 9 months


QC Lead engineer
 field inspecting and conforming of installation of following structures and equipment: • full construction cycle of the spherical tanks for gas storage (nominal volume 2400 m3); • full construction cycle of the steel vertical tanks (with nominal volume in range 150 through 10000 m3); • various pipelines’ units in accordance with their isometrics at site (process and auxiliary pipelines systems), included prefabrication checking-up of spools; • steel structures of buildings;  checking-up and coordinating of quality of works (welding, NDT and post-welding heat treatment) associated with mentioned above weldments;  following-up on construction progress;  organizing and leading of meetings on quality related issues;  monitoring of production activities and construction documentation as spot checks;  reporting non-conformities and observations detected during inspecting and testing and manufacturing;  interfacing with subcontractors on a regular basis to resolve issues;  participating in final inspections and final walkdowns;  reviewing of quality related as-build documentation;  reviewing of test-packs before post welding heat treatment and hydraulic tests of tanks;  reviewing of technical queries from subcontractors, searching for the rational technical decisions, intercommunication with chief-installation and manufacturing organizations on relevant issues.
March 2013July 2019
6 years 5 months
LLC Transneft-Far East


welding engineer
 cross country oil pipeline maintenance and repair activities supervising;  process pipelines and auxiliary system pipelines maintenance and repair activities supervising (within oil pumping stations);  cross country oil pipeline welding, NDT and weld repair activities supervising (field work, new branch construction);  field inspecting and confirming of installation works of steel vertical tanks for oil storage (nominal volume 50000 m3) and for emergency oil discharge (nominal volume 5000 m3);  welders, procedures and equipment certification (NAKS);  developing of welding production documentation (site procedures, WPS, PQR) and NDT procedures;  verification of calibration certificates of all equipment used for NDT;  reviewing of related to quality as-build documentation;  intercommunication with subcontractor and project institution.
September 2010December 2012
2 years 4 months
LLC Vostokenergomontazh


master of construction and installation works
 organizing and overseeing of process pipelines and steel vertical tanks welding and NDT activities being done on customer’s objects;  following-up on manufacturing progress;  welding specialists, welders and operators, procedures and equipment certification (NAKS);  NDT laboratory certification (PB 03-372-00);  developing of welding and NDT procedures, of a flow charts;  developing of related to quality as-build documentation;  interacting with author’s supervision; customer’s supervision.


Skill proficiency levels
Computer literacy: MS Office
Ability to work efficiently both individually and in a team
ability to work under pressure
decision-making skills
organizational skills
problem-solving skills
quick learning skills
multinational environment works skills

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

articulate, committed, confident, energetic, hardworking, eager to learn Military service (2010-2011 years) Ready to be interviewed in English

Higher education

Siberian Federal University
faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Equipment and technology of welding production



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter